Miscellaneous Lunacy
The pages aren't coherently linked, but there's more flying here and here.
Some career advice he gave me when I started as a professor. And some for him, as he finished his bachelor's in biomedical engineering at Arizona State University.
Of course, what goes around comes around. During the 2008 (and 2012) election session, we pounded each other with absurd campaign ads. His were definitely more elaborate. (And no, that's not a real joint, but hey, it's legal now in Washington!)
My beloved 1988 Jeep Comanche, with some, ah, emissions problems.
You wouldn't believe some of the things this truck has experienced! It's been around for a long time. (Here, the Cretaceous Period, although disputed by fringe scientists to be actually 1995±0.000 years.)
Ben, my wonderful Christmas gift in Justin Bieber wrapping paper from Dave ($1.50 from Goodwill, no returns). Payback's gonna be a bitch, bro, just wait...
The gift that keeps on giving, here almost a year later.